Serious accident to Miss Ricardo

SERIOUS ACCIDENT TO MISS RICARDO. — On Friday last, Miss Ricardo, of Titness-park, Sunninghill, sister to Mr. S. Ricardo, M.P. for Windsor, was riding through the Long-walk in company with her brother-in-law, Captain Bastard, and his daughter, three of the Misses Codrington, and Major Blane. After passing the double gates, the horse ridden by Miss Ricardo suddenly bolted. As the animal reached the gate at the end of Park-street, the porter of the Upper Lodge, leading to the Castle, ran to shut the gate, but had not time to close it within a yard, when the horse, in attempting to force itself through the narrow space, brought the lady in violent contact with the iron post. The collision threw Miss Ricardo off, and she sustained a severe fracture of the thigh. She was taken to one of the Royal lodges, where she received prompt medical attendance; and her thigh, being partially set, she was conveyed to Titness-park, where she was attended by Dr. Ellison, of Windsor, and Mr. Brown (the family surgeon), of Sunninghill. Miss Ricardo, we are happy to say, is doing well.

Morning Chronicle - Wednesday 26 November 1856
Text reproduced with kind permission of The British Newspaper  Archive.